Does Coke help for an upset stomach?

1. Mixed Evidence: There's no definitive answer on Coke's effectiveness for upset stomachs.

2. Carbonation Theory: Some find the bubbles help release stomach pressure, easing discomfort.

3. Caffeine Conundrum: Caffeine in Coke can worsen nausea and diarrhea.

4. Sugar Overload: High sugar content may irritate the stomach further.

5. Flat Coke Myth: Flat Coke isn't a magical cure for kids with stomach bugs.

6. Dehydration Risk: Vomiting/diarrhea can dehydrate you. Coke lacks electrolytes for replenishment.

7. Ginger Ale Alternative: Ginger ale, with its ginger content, might be a better choice for nausea.

8. Hydration is Key: Water or clear fluids are best to rehydrate during an upset stomach.

9. BRAT Diet: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast - bland foods can help settle a stomach.

1.0 See a Doctor: If your upset stomach is severe or persistent, consult a medical professional.