Sunday, February 16, 2025

SIG Achieves Record EcoVadis Score and Platinum Status


SIG has made a new leap in sustainability excellence as he achieved a score of 96 out of 100 in the EcoVadis 2024 CSR rating, which is a significant leap from 86 in 2023. This notable score guarantees SIG the prestigious platinum medal for the sixth year in a row, placing him in the top 1% of all companies evaluated by EcoVadis globally for the seventh time in a row. SIG’s outperformace in EcoVadis secures platinum medal achievement for the sixth consecutive year, the company once again reconfirmed its position in the top 1% of all companies assessed by EcoVadis worldwide.

In 2024, SIG was put under the EcoVadis assessment scope for the first time for the acquired bag-in-box, spouted pouch, and fresh carton businesses. For this expanded scope, SIG achieved a perfect score of 100 in Environment category and Labor & Human Rights.

SIG in this year addidualy scored 100 points for the newly assessed Environment and Labor & Human Rights. EcoVadis is the scoring platform that assigns globally scores for these 5 categories and he is the most advanced rating company. This score demonstrates that eco aids with every social and economical move, at every level, and SIG has marked it’s stand in eco solutions with it’s signify and high-end supply chains.

“This latest ECO score is proof that we are on the right track concerning SIG’s” stated Stefan Dobrev, Vice president Corporate Development & Sustainability at SIG.

“The perfect scores we retained in the pillars of Environment and Labor & Human Rights attest to the dedication of our people across the globe. It increases our commitment to do even more as we pursue our goal to give back to the planet and its people more than what we take.”

EcoVadis has evaluated over 130,000 organizations around the world, providing an unparalleled and comprehensive analysis so that companies can effectively tackle the risks of ESG and nurture sustainable supply chains. The progression of SIG in the EcoVadis rankings since it first received the platinum rating in 2017, illustrates the company’s focus on innovation in sustainability, responsible business conduct, and impact throughout its operations.