Saturday, February 8, 2025

Fruit Attraction 2024 brings Avocado to Madrid Centre


The avocado will be the star on Fruit Attraction 2024

The 16th edition of Fruit Attraction 2024, organized by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, will turn the avocado into a major reference. From October 8 to 10, several initiatives are being held at Feria de Madrid that revolve around this superfood that has experienced significant growth in its production and export in recent years.

Avocado Congress and Showcooking

The Avocado Congress aims at raising awareness about the international role played by this fruit one day before starting the main fair. Throughout Fruit Attraction 2024 there will be a range of activities with avocados as the core theme: showcooking sessions and demonstrations by chefs such as Daniel del Toro among others. These events seek not only showing off versatility but also nutritional benefits provided by avocados.

Spanish Expansion

Spanish cultivation of avocados has extended beyond traditional areas like Canary Islands, Costa Tropical or Axarquía (Malaga) to include provinces such as Cadiz, Huelva, Alicante/Alacant (Comunidad Valenciana) or Castellón de la Plana/Castelló de la Plana. Experimental growing is also underway in regions like Galicia (northwestern Spain), Asturias (northern Atlantic coast) or Cantabria (north coast). Andalusia is still leading when it comes to avocado production with around 75% share followed by Málaga and Granada provinces; nevertheless this expansion continues towards Cádiz province as well as Seville where new plantations have been set up lately mainly due to favourable climate conditions.

Exports and Economic Impact

Mainly oriented towards EU markets – which accounted for sales of 122,784 tonnes out Spain’s total exports in 2023 – French and Dutch destinations represent more than 50% of these shipments each. The overall value attained by exported avocados last year was approximately 400 million euros.

Worldwide Production

Mexico is the leading country worldwide both in terms of production and consumption since it produces around 30% of global supply that feeds United States mainly among other nations where this fruit has become popular. Peru together with Chile are also big exporters but Spain serves as one key market for them. In particular, during last year alone (2023), over than 133 thousand tonnes were bought from Peruvian suppliers making Peru rank first place when it comes to importing avocados into Spain accounting for well above half its total imports.

Fruit Attraction 2024 Overview

Over two thousand companies from fifty five different countries will be participating in the sixteenth edition of Fruit Attraction 2024; they are expected to gather at an area covering up to seventy thousand square meters which shall be filled with fruits and vegetables on display. In excess of a hundred thousand professionals hailing from one hundred forty-five nations across the globe are anticipated therefore making this event serve as a major platform for players within international fresh produce sector.

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